First contacts …and some pins on the map!

After months of building and tinkering and receiving, I’ve finally started to transmit at my new QTH.  Using 5 Watts from my Elecraft K2 I’ve made my first few PSK31 contacts on the 20m band using the horizontal loop I have strung around the perimeter of my loft (approximately 28m in circumference, matched by a battery operated SGC 211 auto-ATU).  First contact was a very pleasing 3000km into Russia and seeing my callsign come back to me from that far away really brought back the magic of radio!

A quick snapshot of these contacts and I shall have to figure out a good way to embed this kind of map into the website…

Contact map 1

…more contacts, another map!

Contact map 2Some more contacts made and a pattern may be emerging of single and double hop coverage…?

Contact map 3


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