G7UHN has entered a new phase this weekend – the home station equipment has disappeared from sight and is now located on a shelf in a utility cupboard! Operation of the station is enabled by a pair of Raspberry Pis serving out audio, serial and video feeds to a laptop computer which can be located anywhere in the coverage of the home wireless network. The arrangement of hardware needs a bit of tidying up but this ‘remote’ configuration is now fully functional and I have been making my first digital contacts this weekend with good reports from around Europe:
The setup is described in some detail on this page (I’m just catching up with my notes now). Here’s a screenshot of my new ‘shack’ in operation:

This project has taken some time to get up and running but in doing so I’ve learned a lot and my Linux skills are now probably creeping out of the ‘beginner’ zone!
Note (November 2017): This is a bit of an old post (but it shows how long I’ve been running the radio in a cupboard!). I presented an updated configuration at the 2017 RSGB Convention, slides and stuff from the “Low Cost Remote Radio” talk are on this page.
Alan S; Clive H and Peter H on air 145.325 most Thursdays at 20:00 local.
Hello Alan, thanks for letting me know but I’ll struggle to join that net – we moved down to Hampshire a couple of years ago so it’ll be a bit of a stretch on 2m! 🙂 Hope all’s well with you and pass on regards to Clive and Peter for me… 73